Septic Tank Installation for New Hampshire

When you’re moving into a home with a septic tank or you’re building in a rural part of the Granite State, you may need to learn more about septic tanks and how they are installed. Septic tank installation in New Hampshire is important work, as your tank and system can help care for your home for a lifetime.  Because we’ve been installing septic tanks for three generations, we’re passionate about getting you the best information and the best septic service possible. 

A septic tank can be made of plastic, concrete, fiberglass, or other composite material and holds, treats, and disposes of sewage through the septic tank system. The septic system includes a pipe coming out from the residence, the septic tank, a drain field, and the soil above it.

Tanks generally need to be pumped or emptied every 2-3 years to keep them running smoothly, no pun intended! Our team goes the extra mile to inspect the system before septic tank pumping, check the inlet and outlet tees, and clean any filter build-up. 

Here are some common questions we get about septic tanks and how they are installed. 

Who needs a septic tank?

You would need a septic tank if there’s something wrong with your old one (that parts alone can’t fix), or if your entire system needs to be installed or replaced. While some homeowners have attempted to install their own septic tank, we recommend letting professional septic tank installers do the installation due to New Hampshire regulations, expertise needed, and types of equipment it takes. 

What are the dos and don’ts of septic tanks?

  1. As we mentioned, be sure to regularly inspect and pump your system. Depending on your household size and daily usage, your experienced septic tank professionals will recommend the right schedule for your home.

  2. Keep your septic tank lids closed and secured since they contain hazardous waste. 

  3. Be conscious of your water usage. If your system is a bit older or you’re trying to keep it as high functioning as possible, try to spread high water times, like washing clothes or bathes, throughout the day, limiting to a few times a day. The more water you use regularly, the more often your tank will need to be pumped. 

  4. Try to keep as much of your water drains away from the leach field. Doing this will keep the field from flooding — a situation no one wants to deal with!

  5. Landscape well. Remember to keep all plants except grass off of the leach field. 

  6. Don’t use a garbage disposal. Reserve the drains for all other necessary purposes and keep food particles and household cleaners out of the drains.

  7. Don’t use any septic tank additives unless cleared by your septic tank professionals. Often they do more harm than good.

  8. Keep all weighted items and people off the leach field to keep the pipes from breaking.

How will I know I need a new septic tank?

When you smell something terrible, you may automatically assume the worst; but we want to reassure you that there are several reasons for the smell, from a broken pipe to issues with the drain field. 

If you have a septic tank emergency, the first step is to call your trusted septic professional or take a look at things, if you feel comfortable doing so.

Sewage inside the home

If you have sewage inside the home, lift the septic tank lid and check the level. If the water is lower than the tank inlet, the pipe between your home and the tank may have an issue. If the level is higher than the inlet, the tank or something outside is the issue. You can immediately have the tank pumped to give you the time and space to see what’s happening.

Drainfield issues

If your leach field is flooded, you’ll need to call to pump the tank. This will give your drain field a break from receiving wastewater.  

How to prepare for your septic tank installation.

If you do need a new septic tank, you may be wondering, “How much does it cost to install a septic tank?” A septic tank can cost between $1,200 and $2,000 in New Hampshire, plus installation costs. Our team will walk you through your home’s needs and which tank will best suit your home’s setup.

Once we have your approval, we will take care of the necessary testing, government regulations and approvals, and materials needed to get the project started. We value our community and provide Weare and Concord’s suburbs with the best in septic tank installation, services cleaning, and inspections.

Contact us today with your septic tank and system needs.