Septic System Design in New Hampshire

If you have a piece of land you’re building on, or your existing disposal system isn’t working for you, a new septic system design may be in order. From holding tanks and gray water systems as alternatives — to traditional or innovative septic systems for lake or island properties — we are prepared to give your home or structure precisely what it needs.

In NH, installing a new septic system design typically requires plumbers, septic system designers, and contractors to get the job done. With the Townes team, you get a one-stop-solution. We manage —

  • Assessing the property 

  • Designing the system

  • Taking the project from zoning to completion

We will carefully explain the septic tank size, how it will work, what you need to do to keep your leach field in prime order, and the cost breakdown for the entire project. 

What are the different kinds of septic systems?

All septic systems have two components — a septic tank and a leach field. You also need some sort of aggregate to make the leach field work and the piping system to take the waste from the home to the leach field. Here are the few kinds of systems that you could choose from:

  • Stone and Pipe — This is the traditional solution that cannot be driven on and is the one most commonly approved by the NHDES.

  • Chambered — Whether concrete or plastic, these systems are designed to be driven on when needed. Another benefit is keeping the system smaller by 40% for residential locations.

  • Fabric-Based — Following traditional model construction, this solution uses fabric-based pipes for the leach field or drainage field. The benefit is that it is roughly ⅓ the size of a regular septic system.

How experienced is Townes at system designs?

Townes Septic Service has been providing designs, septic system installation, and septic tank pumping — as well as excavation and sand and gravel aggregates — for over 60 years. Our team is highly dedicated and experienced in putting together a comprehensive plan to give your location precisely what it needs to have a septic system that will last a few generations. 

When you’re looking to prepare a septic system design and install a new system, it can be a slightly overwhelming thing if you’ve never walked through the process before. At Townes, we’ve served the greater Manchester area for over 60 years and are professionally licensed with the NHDES to meet your needs. Contact us today, schedule a consultation with Eldon, and take the first steps toward getting the best septic system design for your home or business.