The Leading Septic Inspection Company In New Hampshire

When your septic system is giving you trouble, or you just want to ensure it’s in good condition, Townes Septic Service is just a call away!

Keeping Your Septic System In Good Shape

Septic systems and tanks play a vital role in managing waste for homes not connected to municipal sewer systems, efficiently treating and disposing of your household waste. But most people tend to ignore their septic system until an issue occurs.

Let's face it - there are a ton of myths and misinformation floating around about how septic tanks work and how to keep them functioning. It's not uncommon to hear a piece of advice from a neighbor or read a tip online that seems helpful but could lead to bigger issues down the line.

The NHDES estimates that 60% of all New Hampshire households have a septic system, so it’s to everyone's benefit to know you can rely on professionals like Townes Septic Service to fix any issues.

Why Septic Inspections Matter

When you're thinking about the well-being of your home and the environment, septic inspections might not be the first thing that pops into your mind. When you hire Townes Septic Service to take care of your system, you can avoid issues like:

  • Groundwater Contamination. It's easy to forget what happens after we flush the toilet or drain the sink, but all that waste has to go somewhere, right? If your septic system isn't working properly, it can leak harmful bacteria and chemicals into the ground, eventually making their way into our water supply.

  • Bad Odors. No one enjoys a yard or a bathroom that smells like a sewer. Regular septic inspections can catch the little issues that lead to big stinks. It's all about nipping those problems in the bud before they have a chance to ruin your next backyard barbecue.

  • Blockages and Overflowing. It's all too easy for septic systems to get clogged with things that shouldn't be there (we're all guilty of flushing something we shouldn't have at some point). Inspections help ensure everything flows smoothly, preventing those disastrous overflows that can turn your lawn into a swamp.

Regular septic inspections also protect your property from structural damage. Overflows and leaks can weaken your home's foundation, meaning you’ll have to pay for extensive repairs. And since your septic system is out of sight, you might not notice these issues until it's too late.

Safe waste disposal is also important. Your septic system ensures that waste leaves your home safely and hygienically. Regular inspections, along with regular septic tank pumping, ensure that this process keeps running smoothly, protecting both your family's health and the environment.

Why Choose Our Septic Inspection Services

At Townes Septic Service, we understand the importance of a well-functioning septic system and its role in safeguarding your property and the environment. That's why we're here to offer you top-notch inspection services that ensure your septic system stays in good condition all year long.

Simple Process

When you call us for a septic inspection, we start with a comprehensive evaluation of your system. This includes checking the sludge levels in your tank, inspecting the condition of the tank itself, and ensuring that the drain field is properly absorbing wastewater.

Open Communication

We believe in transparency, so we'll walk you through each step of the inspection, explaining what we're looking for and why it matters.

The Best Equipment

Our team uses the latest technology and techniques to provide you with an accurate assessment of your septic system's health.

Schedule a Septic Tank Inspection

Keeping your septic system in top shape is essential for your health, safety, and wallet. At Townes Septic, we're here to ensure your system runs smoothly and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Whether you're looking to prevent potential issues, are ready for septic tank pumping, or need emergency septic services, our professionals are ready to help. We’re a family-owned and run business and can help you with anything from septic tank installation to pumping. But don’t just take our word for it, schedule a service today!


Why is a septic inspection necessary?

Getting your septic system checked out is all about keeping your water clean and your home safe. It helps spot problems early so they don't turn into bigger issues. Plus, it's about making sure your system doesn't mess up the environment or your health.

How often should I have my septic system inspected?

You should have your septic system looked at at least once every three years. If your household uses a lot of water or has a garbage disposal, you might want to do it more often. Staying on top of this can save you a ton of headaches and money down the road.

What does a septic inspection involve?

A septic inspection is pretty thorough. It checks if your tank and system are in good shape, not leaking, and working as they should. It includes looking at pipes, measuring sludge and scum levels in the tank, and making sure the drain field is absorbing waste properly.

Will I need to be home during the inspection?

No, you don't have to be there for the inspection, but it's not a bad idea. If you're around, the pros can show you any problems they find and explain what needs fixing. Plus, they can give you tips on how to take care of your system better. But if you can't be there, no sweat, they can handle it.